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4 ways to retain top talent in your clinic.

Doctors sitting together at table smiling.

$350 billion: that’s how much disengaged employees cost the North American economy each year.

There are many reasons why you might be struggling to keep strong talent feeling motivated – or even keep them on staff. Maybe they don’t feel challenged, valued, or included. Whatever the reason, a disengaged team can have a dire impact on your clinic’s productivity and profitability.

Research has shown that employee happiness is directly linked to strong workplace culture. It is created through the value and beliefs you manifest in your environment. The people, the programs, and even the décor are all symbols that work together to make this happen.

Improving workplace culture doesn’t happen overnight, but with a strong strategy and commitment you can make it happen.

Here are four ways to help boost your employee retention starting today.

  1. Create an inclusive workplace culture.

Inclusion is all about involvement and empowerment, making everyone feel their worth is recognized.

A sense of belonging is critical. It’s important that your staff feel like they can be their authentic selves at work, and that their differences are embraced by the team. Aim to create an open, respectful workplace and encourage different ideas and perspectives.

At 3M, for example, we support Employee Resource Networks that celebrate different – and often marginalized – experiences. This ranges from gender to sexuality to multiculturalism. We also actively participate in community events with similar missions, like Pride and The Women’s March.

  1. Build employee engagement into your clinic design

Did you know, the architecture and interior design of your clinic can have a direct impact on the satisfaction, wellbeing and productivity of your staff?

The WELL Building Standard™ (WELL™) is the world’s first standard focused on the relationship between human health and building design. Their research shows air quality, lighting, views of nature and the general layout of your interior can significantly impact your workplace culture.

Our Canadian headquarters demonstrates many of these concepts. We deliberately designed the building with large windows, bright colours, open spaces, and designated areas for both collaborating and socializing.

If a reno isn’t in the budget, try starting with something small. Paint a wall, hang a painting, or find a place for your staff to each lunch together. Thoughtful changes help – no matter how small.

  1. Empower staff to feel safe to make mistakes.

As a 100-year-old company, it’s easy to get stuck in your ways. If things feel stale, it can be difficult to retain to talent who are inspired to make an impact.

A few years ago, 3M adopted a philosophy called the “growth mindset.” Coined by organizational psychologist Carol Dweck, the basic premise is that skills and abilities are not innate; they can be developed through hard work and determination.

When entire companies embrace a growth mindset, their employees report feeling far more empowered and committed. They also receive far greater organizational support for collaboration and innovation.

For the growth mindset to work, your workplace culture must help employees feel comfortable voicing ideas and feelings, and making mistakes without fear of consequence. Encourage – and even reward - your teams to be open about gaps and challenges and support them to pursue new ways overcome them.

  1. Invest in your employees and recognize their accomplishments.

Research shows 79% of employees leave their jobs because they don’t feel appreciated.  

Demonstrating your commitment to employee growth and development can have a major impact on retention.

At 3M, we have a rewards program called We are 3M. In recognition of performance, supervisors and peers award employees points that can be exchanged for goods. We’ve also introduced a new performance management approach called “Performance Everyday” that is changing how we measure success. The program is designed to provide a real-time feedback loop, where employees can continually demonstrate and be rewarded for their progress.

Think about how you might change your employee scorecard to focus on their growth. Consider building in rewards when the team meets a shared goal. An investment in their development is an investment in employee retention.

Find more advice to help grow your practice.

These are just a few of the ways you can improve employee engagement and retain top talent. Every clinic is different. It’s important to find what works for you.

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About the Author

[enBio=Sarah Tattersall is a strategic and experienced leader in learning and development, talent acquisition and communications. Currently 3M Canada’s Talent Development Leader, Sarah is accomplished at delivering innovative and meaningful programs focused on development that allow leaders to succeed in any work environment. She enjoys creating engaging learning experiences in a supportive environment that encourage people to share thoughts, ideas and best practices.],[enJob=Talent Development Leader, 3M Global Leadership and talent Development],[frBio=Sarah Tattersall est une leader stratégique et expérimentée dans les domaines de l’apprentissage, du perfectionnement, de l’acquisition de talents et des communications. La leader actuelle en perfectionnement des talents de 3M Canada, Mme Tattersall est passée maître dans l’art d’offrir des programmes innovateurs et pertinents axés sur le perfectionnement qui permettent aux leaders de réussir dans n’importe quel environnement de travail. Elle aime créer des expériences d’apprentissage stimulantes dans un environnement favorable qui encouragent les gens à communiquer leurs pensées, leurs idées et leurs meilleures pratiques.],[frJob=Leader en perfectionnement des talents, Leadership et perfectionnement des talents 3M à l’échelle mondiale]

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